Press Release: #DCMENA Tweetup on FEBRUARY 21st

Second #DCMENA Tweetup: Join #PITAPAL on Thursday, February 21st, 2013

When? Thursday, Feb 21 @ 6pm8pm (EST)

  • Because we are inspired by Pay It Forward’s philosophy, and thank them for their work in Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, and the United Arab Emirates.
  • Charley Johnson, Founder of Pay It Forward Movement:As for how “Pay it Forward” can influence business and organizations globally, we believe this movement can have some profound impacts in the simplest of ways.  I used to own a business for 15 years and had over 250 employees so I saw the good, the bad and the in between when it came to keeping morale up and keeping people happy.  We did what most companies did, hired expensive consultants or motivational speakers to come in and “rally the troops” but got what all companies got, a quick jolt of increase productivity that went away very quickly. It wasn’t authentic, it wasn’t real, it was a thing we did and all companies do to become more profitable and get more for less from our employees. It wasn’t done for the people, it was done for the company.”

Where? #PITAPAL Tweetup 1100 New York Avenue – Washington, DC

Point Chaud


Feb 18-21st is Social Media week in DC. We discussed #socent in #MENA last time. On FEB 21st: let’s debate #socialmedia: noise or benign?

Date: Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Time: 6pm-8pm

Venue: Point Chaud Cafe Creperie1100 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC (located on 11 street between New York Ave and H street NW)
1 block from Metro Center, exit 11th Street

Sponsor: Pay It Forward Foundation Founder’s Interview: Pay It Forward


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