Monthly Archives: May 2014
Why Should Citizens Stifle Their Voices By NOT Voting? #Egypt #Algeria #VoiceViaVoting
Another version of this article appeared on the Freedom House Blog on May 16th, 2011 and on Huffington Post Politics on May 21st trying to figure out answers to the following five questions: If voting is a fundamental right in … Continue reading
U.S. Recognizes Syrian Opposition as Foreign Mission
Dear Pitaconsumers: May 15th marks Al-Nakba from 1948, which produced one of the largest refugee crises in the 20th century. It has now been joined by the Syria crisis– also produced a record number of refugees– fueled by the Assad … Continue reading
Freedom House Releases Report #WorldPressFreedomDay
May 3rd marked ‘World Press Freedom Day’, which honors journalists and media abilities to report without political restrictions. In preparation for this, the Freedom House organization (based in the U.S. since the 1970s) published its annual “Political Freedoms ad Civil … Continue reading