Tag Archives: poverty alleviation

How Did Ramadan Influence Hunger Conversation? Promote the Spirit of Global Development?

Dear Pitaconsumers, For those of you who celebrated the end of Ramadan on Eid Al-Fitr: a belated Eid Mabrook and Greetings to you all.  We at PITAPOLICY recognize that this is among the most blessed months for those who follow … Continue reading

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Filed under Analysis, Interests, PIDE (Policy, International Development & Economics)

PITAPOLICY ‘s New Year Resolution: Be More Enterprising than Social.

Dear Pita-consumers! We hope you had a wonderful start to the New Year of 2013.  Just because we blog and note the alarming developments in the pita-consuming region, does not mean we need to downplay the professional, institutional, economic, and … Continue reading

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Filed under Analysis, Interests, PIDE (Policy, International Development & Economics), Politics