Tag Archives: John Kerry

Tunisia’s Donor Assistance Glossed Over Sectors Related to Economy

Remember the underlying causes of Tunisia’s revolution for dignity?  Remember how the police-security sector represented the discontent and mistreatment than many Tunisians faced? Well, take a look at how many donor assistance projects glossed over these sectors.   As shared on … Continue reading

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Filed under Analysis, PIDE (Policy, International Development & Economics), Politics

Playing Poker in Syria

Dear Pita-consumers~ The United States’ Intelligence officials say that they are in the process of showing all their cards in a high-stakes poker game.  It’s high-stakes not because over 100,000 Syrians have been killed…but because a smaller number have been … Continue reading

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Filed under Analysis, PIDE (Policy, International Development & Economics), Politics

Syria: Chemical Weapons is Old News, #whatNext?

On Wednesday, March 20th at 9pm EST, PITAPOLICY Founder, Mehrunisa Qayyum appeared on Huffington Post Live to participate in the segment: “March to War in Syria”.  This was her second appearance on the show. The challenge was to reframe the … Continue reading

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Filed under Analysis, PIDE (Policy, International Development & Economics), Politics