Despite the continuing airstrikes in Yemen, led by Saudi coalition forces, there are some positive regional developments. Specifically, on April 2nd, a framework for an Iran nuclear reached successful agreement between the U.S. and Iran. The framework is set up for final agreement on June 30. Phase 2: The U.S. must get regional partners’ buy-in. Partners include members of the Gulf Cooperation Council and Israel (ironically). Phase 3: Lift economic sanctions off Iran. According to a Gallup study, many Iranians have felt standards of living slightly improve since certain Iranian assets were unfrozen as part of the preliminary measures in the nuclear talks process started two years ago. Or as we like to refer to the sanctions, nuclear deterrent, diplomacy process: New version of #RockPaperScissors (Nuke,Stick, Carrot).
Jordan’s MPs Debate Energy Options
“Empower the woman, you empower the nation.”- Hon. Hind AlFayez receives public service award by the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee
On Tuesday in Washington, DC, Qayyum of PITAPOLICY heard Jordanian Minister of Parliament, Hind H. Al Fayez, speak about development projects in Jordan. MP Al Fayez resembles the populist standce when it comes to energy and social justice issues. In particular, she is against the joint Russian-Jordanian plan to build nuclear plants to meet Jordan’s rising electricity needs:
The last time Jordanian lawmakers voted on the proposal, back in 2012, they decisively shot it down. MPs such as Hind al-Fayez, who represents the Beni Sakher tribe that lives around the proposed Amra site, have noted that Jordan is yet to complete a thorough environmental assessment of the area or to identify a suitable location for depositing spent fuel rods. “They’ll build that plant over my dead body,” she has said. Source: Al Jazeera America