Tag Archives: Bassem Youssef
We had to catch Gigi Ibrahim and Syrian election coverage on The Daily Show b/c El Barnamej canceled.
“Could you imagine a country that would strip civil rights under the guise of fighting terrorism… we are not so different, you and I.” ~Jon Stewart as he interviews Egyptian activist, Gigi Ibrahim on the “common ground” shared by US … Continue reading
When the Government Fears the Satirists You Have Change #Egypt
When the people fear the government you have tyranny….when the government fears the people you have liberty. -Thomas Jefferson So does Egypt have tyranny or liberty? Or maybe in Egypt’s case: When the satirists fear the government you have tragedy…when … Continue reading
Filed under Politics
Which event in the Middle East & North Africa region had the biggest impact in 2012?
Dear Pita-consumers: We know that there are many more events that should be mentioned…please feel free to add your thoughts. The only catch is that it must rhyme :)! Our new year’s resolution is to promote political and social satire … Continue reading