Tag Archives: ISIS
Middle East Institute 68th Annual Conference: “Navigating the Storm” #MiddleEast
“What’s happening in the region is renegotiation of social contracts.”~ Randa Slim, Director for Initiative for Track 2 Dialogues at Middle East Institute This bodes true for countries that are in the middle of transitioning power… and can be argued … Continue reading
USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives Celebrates 20th Anniversary
Office of Transition Initiatives is often referred to the first line of development in #USAID. OTI is an incubator”.~USAID’s New Deputy Administrator, General Lenhardt Washington, DC- On October 20th, the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Office of Transition Initiatives … Continue reading
Live-Blogging from DC: To what point does international community accept that there’s a state within a state? #IRAQ – What is Happening?”
August 14th in Washington, DC ~ The New America Foundation asks “Iraq: What Is Happening?” from its office in Washington, DC. Earlier this week, Iraqi president, Fouad Masum, announced the new Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, who is SUPPOSED to take … Continue reading