PITAPOLICY Proposes That Hajj 2015 Must Be “Year of Development”

Although Saudi Arabia tries to cap visa quotas per country, and refuses entry for those without accommodations, thousands of pilgrims from neighboring countries enter into Saudi Arabia at unchecked entry points. Last year, 15,000 illegal pilgrims were caught.  This year was no different as many slept in the streets despite the accommodations requirement. Given the associated health challenges with large crowds, it is truly a miracle that Ebola did not surface during Hajj as thousands of pilgrims slept in the streets near sewers. Read Mehrunisa Qayyum’s thoughts on why Hajj 2015 MUST become the Year of Development–rather than another “Year of the Selfie” here!

Helicopter landing for VIPs (e.g. royalty) outside of hotel

Helicopter landing for VIPs (e.g. royalty) outside of hotel

Traffic Jam + Pollution + People Sleeping in Streets

Traffic Jam + Pollution + People Sleeping in Streets

Holiest City in Muslim-World Inhabited by 2 Million people

Holiest City in Muslim-World Inhabited by 2 Million people

Each Level Is Packed With Over Hundreds of Chaperoned Groups Organized by Travel Agencies

Each Level Is Packed With Over Hundreds of Chaperoned Groups Organized by Travel Agencies




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