AAIUSA Discusses Law Enforcement Similar to LDC Secret Policing Operations

“Operating more like a third world country’s secret police, they broke trust with the very citizens that they are duty bound to protect.” ~James Zogby

Arab American Institute Video on the New York Police Department Spying Operation

  • AAIUSA Director James Zogby comments on the investigative journalism that revealed the NYPD spying efforts.
  • Questions like: “Was Al Jazeera being viewed there?” at various businesses, like at the Royal Jordanian Airlines, were part of the spying effort that amounts to ethnic and religious profiling.
  • Tactics like this are similar to lesser developed countries’ efforts to conduct secret policing “Mukhabarat” activities.
  • TAKE ACTION NOW: Tell the US Department of Justice to investigate NYPD’s violation of civil rights through racial profiling: https://www.change.org/petitions/us-department-of-justice-investigate-nypd-s-…

July is all about development in the pita-consuming region. Please send your submissions to Nadia at info@pitapolicyconsulting.com. 

On Sundays, PITAPOLICY usually shares a poll or a video, but it was a better idea to wait a day since the Arab American Institute wanted to share its documentary on an issue getting a lot of attention in the news in Egypt: law enforcement and policing abuses.  However, AAI’s video shows how this issue is even a challenge here in the US for Arab, Muslim and other Middle-Eastern Americans.

 First Post: Tech Crunch published “The Arab World Has Tech Talent To Sustain It Beyond The Clones” by Mehrunisa Qayyum, founder of PITAPOLICY and Huffington Post Blogger.   On that note, don’t forget to check out tech entrepreneurs survey!

Second Post: #MENAsocent: First DC-MENA Tweetup=#Success

Third Post: Prospects for Development After Elections

Fourth Post: Prospects for Development: An Exercise in Patience


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