Tag Archives: Tunisia Elections

Beji Caid Essebsi Wins Tunisia’s First Presidential Election–

After Sunday’s elections, Beji Caid Essebsi of the Nida Tounis Party won Tunisia’s first free presidential race and beat his opponent, Moncef Marzouki.  Essebsi won with 55.68 percent of the vote. Congrats and good luck to Essebsi.  He is going … Continue reading

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Prospects for Development: An Exercise in Patience

July is all about development in the pita-consuming region. Please send your submissions to Nadia at info@pitapolicyconsulting.com.  This week’s post goes into a different aspect of development–sort of the “Part 2 of Prospects for Development…” but on a more “individual … Continue reading

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Filed under Analysis, PIDE (Policy, International Development & Economics), Politics